
A production capability. The capabilities are ordered hierarchically. It is imporant to provide semantic references or at least descriptions of the capability. Otherwise it might not be found by the search engine.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Capability {
  • # Unique knowledge base identifier (automatically generated)
  • id: ID!
  • # Arbitrary id defined by the user, e.g. to identify the object in an application
  • sourceId: ID
  • # Label, e.g. name, of the capability.
  • label: String
  • # Language code of the label following xml:lang
  • # (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt)
  • labelLanguageCode: String
  • # Description of the capability
  • description: String
  • # Language code of the description following xml:lang
  • # (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt)
  • descriptionLanguageCode: String
  • # Arbitrary properties of the capability
  • properties: [Property]
  • # Processes realizing the capability
  • processes: [Process]
  • # Capabilities specializing the capability
  • childCapabilities: [Capability]
  • # Capabilities generalizing the capability
  • parentCapabilities: [Capability]
  • # Production resources providing the capability
  • productionResources: [ProductionResource]
  • # References to semantics describing the capability
  • semanticReferences: [SemanticReference]
  • }