
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Mutation {
  • # -------Enterprise-----------
  • # Creates a new enterprise
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # enterprise:
  • createEnterprise(enterprise: EnterpriseInput!): EnterpriseResponse!
  • # Updates the enterprise identified by the passed id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id:
  • # enterprise:
  • updateEnterprise(id: ID!, enterprise: EnterpriseInput!): EnterpriseResponse!
  • # Deletes the enterprise identified by the passed id and deletes all orphan fields
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id:
  • deleteEnterprise(id: ID!): Response!
  • # Adds the referenced factory to the referenced enterprise
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # factoryId:
  • # enterpriseId:
  • addFactoryToEnterprise(factoryId: ID!, enterpriseId: ID!): EnterpriseResponse!
  • # Creates a new factory and adds it to the referenced enterprise
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # factory:
  • # enterpriseId:
  • createFactoryForEnterprise(
  • factory: FactoryInput!,
  • enterpriseId: ID!
  • ): FactoryResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced factory from the referenced enterprise
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # factoryId:
  • # enterpriseId:
  • removeFactoryFromEnterprise(
  • factoryId: ID!,
  • enterpriseId: ID!
  • ): EnterpriseResponse!
  • # Adds the referenced property to the referenced enterprise
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # propertyId:
  • # enterpriseId:
  • addPropertyToEnterprise(
  • propertyId: ID!,
  • enterpriseId: ID!
  • ): EnterpriseResponse!
  • # Creates a new property and adds it to the referenced enterprise
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # property:
  • # enterpriseId:
  • createPropertyForEnterprise(
  • property: PropertyInput!,
  • enterpriseId: ID!
  • ): PropertyResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced property from the referenced enterprise
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # propertyId:
  • # enterpriseId:
  • removePropertyFromEnterprise(
  • propertyId: ID!,
  • enterpriseId: ID!
  • ): EnterpriseResponse!
  • # Adds the referenced subsidiary to the referenced enterprise
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # subsidiaryId:
  • # enterpriseId:
  • addSubsidiaryEnterprise(
  • subsidiaryId: ID!,
  • enterpriseId: ID!
  • ): EnterpriseResponse!
  • # Creates a new subsidiary enterprise and adds it to the referenced enterprise.
  • # Returns response with subsidiary enterprise.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # subsidiary:
  • # enterpriseId:
  • createSubsidiaryForEnterprise(
  • subsidiary: EnterpriseInput!,
  • enterpriseId: ID!
  • ): EnterpriseResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced subsidiary enterprise from the referenced enterprise
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # subsidiaryId:
  • # enterpriseId:
  • removeSubsidiaryFromEnterprise(
  • subsidiaryId: ID!,
  • enterpriseId: ID!
  • ): EnterpriseResponse!
  • # Adds the product to the referenced enterprise
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productId:
  • # enterpriseId:
  • addProductToEnterprise(productId: ID!, enterpriseId: ID!): EnterpriseResponse!
  • # Creates a new product and adds it to the referenced enterprise
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # product:
  • # enterpriseId:
  • createProductForEnterprise(
  • product: ProductInput,
  • enterpriseId: ID!
  • ): ProductResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced product from the referenced enterprise
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productId:
  • # enterpriseId:
  • removeProductFromEnterprise(
  • productId: ID!,
  • enterpriseId: ID!
  • ): EnterpriseResponse!
  • # -------Factory-----------
  • # Creates a new factory
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # factory:
  • createFactory(factory: FactoryInput!): FactoryResponse!
  • # Updates the factory identified by the passed id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id:
  • # factory:
  • updateFactory(id: ID!, factory: FactoryInput!): FactoryResponse!
  • # Deletes the factory identified by the passed id and deletes all orphan fields
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id:
  • deleteFactory(id: ID!): Response!
  • # Adds the referenced property to the referenced factory
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # propertyId:
  • # factoryId:
  • addPropertyToFactory(propertyId: ID!, factoryId: ID!): FactoryResponse!
  • # Creates a new property and adds it to the referenced factory
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # property:
  • # factoryId:
  • createPropertyForFactory(
  • property: PropertyInput!,
  • factoryId: ID!
  • ): PropertyResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced property from the referenced factory
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # propertyId:
  • # factoryId:
  • removePropertyFromFactory(
  • propertyId: ID!,
  • factoryId: ID!
  • ): FactoryResponse!
  • # Adds the referenced product to the referenced factory
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productId:
  • # factoryId:
  • addProductToFactory(productId: ID!, factoryId: ID!): FactoryResponse!
  • # Creates a new product and adds it to the referenced factory
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # product:
  • # factoryId:
  • createProductForFactory(
  • product: ProductInput,
  • factoryId: ID!
  • ): ProductResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced product from the referenced factory
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productId:
  • # factoryId:
  • removeProductFromFactory(productId: ID!, factoryId: ID!): FactoryResponse!
  • # Adds the referenced machine to the referenced factory
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # machineId:
  • # factoryId:
  • addMachineToFactory(machineId: ID!, factoryId: ID!): FactoryResponse!
  • # Creates a new machine and adds it to the referenced factory
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # machine:
  • # factoryId:
  • createMachineForFactory(
  • machine: MachineInput,
  • factoryId: ID!
  • ): MachineResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced machine from the referenced factory
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # machineId:
  • # factoryId:
  • removeMachineFromFactory(machineId: ID!, factoryId: ID!): FactoryResponse!
  • # Adds the referenced human resource to the referenced factory
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # humanResourceId:
  • # factoryId:
  • addHumanResourceToFactory(
  • humanResourceId: ID!,
  • factoryId: ID!
  • ): FactoryResponse!
  • # Creates a new human resource and adds it to the referenced factory
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # humanResource:
  • # factoryId:
  • createHumanResourceForFactory(
  • humanResource: HumanResourceInput,
  • factoryId: ID!
  • ): HumanResourceResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced human resource from the referenced factory
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # humanResourceId:
  • # factoryId:
  • removeHumanResourceFromFactory(
  • humanResourceId: ID!,
  • factoryId: ID!
  • ): FactoryResponse!
  • # Adds the referenced property to the referenced factory
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # processId:
  • # factoryId:
  • addProcessToFactory(processId: ID!, factoryId: ID!): FactoryResponse!
  • # Creates a new process and adds it to the referenced factory
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # process:
  • # factoryId:
  • createProcessForFactory(
  • process: ProcessInput,
  • factoryId: ID!
  • ): ProcessResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced process from the referenced factory
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # processId:
  • # factoryId:
  • removeProcessFromFactory(processId: ID!, factoryId: ID!): FactoryResponse!
  • # -------SupplyChain-----------
  • # Creates a new supply chain
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # supplyChain:
  • createSupplyChain(supplyChain: SupplyChainInput!): SupplyChainResponse!
  • # Updates the supply chain identified by the passed id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id:
  • # supplyChain:
  • updateSupplyChain(id: ID!, supplyChain: SupplyChainInput!): SupplyChainResponse!
  • # Deletes the supply chain identified by the passed id, its supply chain elements
  • # and their product applications. However, products, enterprises and factories
  • # will not be deleted by this mutation.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id:
  • deleteSupplyChain(id: ID!): Response!
  • # Adds the referenced supply chain element to the referenced supply chain
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # supplyChainElementId:
  • # supplyChainId:
  • addSupplyChainElementToSupplyChain(
  • supplyChainElementId: ID!,
  • supplyChainId: ID!
  • ): SupplyChainResponse!
  • # Creates a new supply chain element and adds it to the referenced supply chain
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # supplyChainElement:
  • # supplyChainId:
  • createSupplyChainElementForSupplyChain(
  • supplyChainElement: SupplyChainElementInput,
  • supplyChainId: ID!
  • ): SupplyChainElementResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced supply chain element from the referenced supply chain
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # supplyChainElementId:
  • # supplyChainId:
  • removeSupplyChainElementFromSupplyChain(
  • supplyChainElementId: ID!,
  • supplyChainId: ID!
  • ): SupplyChainResponse!
  • # -------SupplyChainElement-----------
  • # Creates a new supply chain element
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # supplyChainElement:
  • # parentSupplyChainElementIds:
  • # childSupplyChainElementIds:
  • createSupplyChainElement(
  • supplyChainElement: SupplyChainElementInput!,
  • parentSupplyChainElementIds: [ID],
  • childSupplyChainElementIds: [ID]
  • ): SupplyChainElementResponse!
  • # Updates the supply chain element identified by the passed id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id:
  • # supplyChainElement:
  • # parentSupplyChainElementIds:
  • # childSupplyChainElementIds:
  • updateSupplyChainElement(
  • id: ID!,
  • supplyChainElement: SupplyChainElementInput!,
  • parentSupplyChainElementIds: [ID],
  • childSupplyChainElementIds: [ID]
  • ): SupplyChainElementResponse!
  • # Deletes the supply chain element identified by the passed id and its product
  • # applications. However, products, enterprises and factories will not be deleted
  • # by this mutation.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id:
  • deleteSupplyChainElement(id: ID!): Response!
  • # -------Property-----------
  • # Creates a new property
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # property:
  • createProperty(property: PropertyInput!): PropertyResponse!
  • # Updates the property identified by the passed id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # propertyId:
  • # property:
  • updateProperty(propertyId: ID!, property: PropertyInput!): PropertyResponse!
  • # Deletes the property identified by the passed id. However, semantic references
  • # will not be deleted by this mutation.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # propertyId:
  • deleteProperty(propertyId: ID!): Response!
  • # Adds the referenced semantic reference to the referenced property
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # semanticReferenceId:
  • # propertyId:
  • addSemanticReferenceToProperty(
  • semanticReferenceId: ID!,
  • propertyId: ID!
  • ): PropertyResponse!
  • # Creates a new semantic reference and adds it to the referenced property
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # semanticReference:
  • # propertyId:
  • createSemanticReferenceForProperty(
  • semanticReference: SemanticReferenceInput,
  • propertyId: ID!
  • ): SemanticReferenceResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced semantic reference from the referenced property
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # semanticReferenceId:
  • # propertyId:
  • removeSemanticReferenceFromProperty(
  • semanticReferenceId: ID!,
  • propertyId: ID!
  • ): PropertyResponse!
  • # -------Product-----------
  • # Creates a new product
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # product:
  • createProduct(product: ProductInput!): ProductResponse!
  • # Updates the product identified by the passed id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productId:
  • # product:
  • updateProduct(productId: ID!, product: ProductInput!): ProductResponse!
  • # Deletes the product identified by the passed id, its product applications and
  • # bill of materials incl. the respective product applications, the product's
  • # property product classes and semantic references will not be deleted by this
  • # mutation.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productId:
  • deleteProduct(productId: ID!): Response!
  • # Adds the referenced property to the referenced product
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # propertyId:
  • # productId:
  • addPropertyToProduct(propertyId: ID!, productId: ID!): ProductResponse!
  • # Creates a new property and adds it to the referenced product
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # property:
  • # productId:
  • createPropertyForProduct(
  • property: PropertyInput!,
  • productId: ID!
  • ): PropertyResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced property from the referenced product
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # propertyId:
  • # productId:
  • removePropertyFromProduct(
  • propertyId: ID!,
  • productId: ID!
  • ): ProductResponse!
  • # Adds the referenced product class to the referenced product
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productClassId:
  • # productId:
  • addProductClassToProduct(
  • productClassId: ID!,
  • productId: ID!
  • ): ProductResponse!
  • # Creates a new product class and adds it to the referenced product
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productClass:
  • # productId:
  • createProductClassForProduct(
  • productClass: ProductClassInput!,
  • productId: ID!
  • ): ProductClassResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced product class from the referenced product
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productClassId:
  • # productId:
  • removeProductClassFromProduct(
  • productClassId: ID!,
  • productId: ID!
  • ): ProductResponse!
  • # Adds the referenced sub-product to the referenced product
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # subProductProductApplicationId:
  • # productId:
  • addSubProductToProduct(
  • subProductProductApplicationId: ID!,
  • productId: ID!
  • ): ProductResponse!
  • # Creates a new sub-product and adds it to the referenced product. Returns
  • # response containing the sub-product.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # subProductProductApplication:
  • # productId:
  • createSubProductForProduct(
  • subProductProductApplication: ProductApplicationInput!,
  • productId: ID!
  • ): ProductApplicationResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced sub-product from referenced product
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # subProductProductApplicationId:
  • # productId:
  • removeSubProductFromProduct(
  • subProductProductApplicationId: ID!,
  • productId: ID!
  • ): ProductResponse!
  • # Adds the referenced semantic reference to the referenced product
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # semanticReferenceId:
  • # productId:
  • addSemanticReferenceToProduct(
  • semanticReferenceId: ID!,
  • productId: ID!
  • ): ProductResponse!
  • # Creates a new semantic reference and adds it to the referenced product
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # semanticReference:
  • # productId:
  • createSemanticReferenceForProduct(
  • semanticReference: SemanticReferenceInput,
  • productId: ID!
  • ): SemanticReferenceResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced semantic reference from referenced product
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # semanticReferenceId:
  • # productId:
  • removeSemanticReferenceFromProduct(
  • semanticReferenceId: ID!,
  • productId: ID!
  • ): ProductResponse!
  • # Adds the referenced supply chain to the referenced product
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # supplyChainId:
  • # productId:
  • addSupplyChainToProduct(
  • supplyChainId: ID!,
  • productId: ID!
  • ): ProductResponse!
  • # Creates a new supply chain and adds it to the referenced product
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # supplyChain:
  • # productId:
  • createSupplyChainForProduct(
  • supplyChain: SupplyChainInput,
  • productId: ID!
  • ): SupplyChainResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced supply chain from the referenced product
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # supplyChainId:
  • # productId:
  • removeSupplyChainFromProduct(
  • supplyChainId: ID!,
  • productId: ID!
  • ): ProductResponse!
  • # -------Machine-----------
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # machine:
  • createMachine(machine: MachineInput!): MachineResponse!
  • # Updates the machine identified by the passed id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # machineId:
  • # machine:
  • updateMachine(machineId: ID!, machine: MachineInput!): MachineResponse!
  • # Deletes the machine identified by the passed id and its properties. However,
  • # processes, capabilities and semantic references will not be deleted by this
  • # mutation.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # machineId:
  • deleteMachine(machineId: ID!): Response!
  • # Adds the referenced property to the referenced machine
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # propertyId:
  • # machineId:
  • addPropertyToMachine(propertyId: ID!, machineId: ID!): MachineResponse!
  • # Creates a new property and adds it to the referenced machine
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # property:
  • # machineId:
  • createPropertyForMachine(
  • property: PropertyInput!,
  • machineId: ID!
  • ): PropertyResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced property from the referenced machine
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # propertyId:
  • # machineId:
  • removePropertyFromMachine(
  • propertyId: ID!,
  • machineId: ID!
  • ): MachineResponse!
  • # Adds a process provided by the machine
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # processId:
  • # machineId:
  • addProcessToMachine(processId: ID!, machineId: ID!): MachineResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced process from the referenced machine
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # processId:
  • # machineId:
  • removeProcessFromMachine(processId: ID!, machineId: ID!): MachineResponse!
  • # Adds a capability provided by the machine
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # capabilityId:
  • # machineId:
  • addCapabilityToMachine(capabilityId: ID!, machineId: ID!): MachineResponse!
  • # Removes a capability provided by the machine
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # capabilityId:
  • # machineId:
  • removeCapabilityFromMachine(
  • capabilityId: ID!,
  • machineId: ID!
  • ): MachineResponse!
  • # -------HumanResource-----------
  • # Creates a new human resource
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # humanResource:
  • createHumanResource(humanResource: HumanResourceInput!): HumanResourceResponse!
  • # Updates the human resource identified by the passed id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # humanResourceId:
  • # humanResource:
  • updateHumanResource(
  • humanResourceId: ID!,
  • humanResource: HumanResourceInput!
  • ): HumanResourceResponse!
  • # Deletes the human resource identified by the passed id and its properties.
  • # However, processes, capabilities and semantic references will not be deleted by
  • # this mutation.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # humanResourceId:
  • deleteHumanResource(humanResourceId: ID!): Response!
  • # Adds a process provided by the human resource
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # processId:
  • # humanResourceId:
  • addProcessToHumanResource(
  • processId: ID!,
  • humanResourceId: ID!
  • ): HumanResourceResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced process from the human resource
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # processId:
  • # humanResourceId:
  • removeProcessFromHumanResource(
  • processId: ID!,
  • humanResourceId: ID!
  • ): HumanResourceResponse!
  • # Adds a capability provided by the human resource
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # capabilityId:
  • # humanResourceId:
  • addCapabilityToHumanResource(
  • capabilityId: ID!,
  • humanResourceId: ID!
  • ): HumanResourceResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced capability from the referenced human resource
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # capabilityId:
  • # humanResourceId:
  • removeCapabilityFromHumanResource(
  • capabilityId: ID!,
  • humanResourceId: ID!
  • ): HumanResourceResponse!
  • # -------ProductClass-----------
  • # Creates a new product
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productClass:
  • # parentProductClassIds:
  • # childProductClassIds:
  • createProductClass(
  • productClass: ProductClassInput!,
  • parentProductClassIds: [ID],
  • childProductClassIds: [ID]
  • ): ProductClassResponse!
  • # Updates the product class identified by the passed id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productClassId:
  • # productClass:
  • # parentProductClassIds:
  • # childProductClassIds:
  • updateProductClass(
  • productClassId: ID!,
  • productClass: ProductClassInput!,
  • parentProductClassIds: [ID],
  • childProductClassIds: [ID]
  • ): ProductClassResponse!
  • # Deletes the product class identified by the passed id, its properties and, if
  • # deleteChildren is true, the child product classes. However, parent classes,
  • # products and semantic references will not be deleted by this mutation.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productClassId:
  • # deleteChildren:
  • deleteProductClass(
  • productClassId: ID!,
  • deleteChildren: Boolean!
  • ): Response!
  • # Adds the referenced semantic reference to the referenced product class
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # semanticReferenceId:
  • # productClassId:
  • addSemanticReferenceToProductClass(
  • semanticReferenceId: ID!,
  • productClassId: ID!
  • ): ProductClassResponse!
  • # Creates a new semantic reference and adds it to the referenced product class
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # semanticReference:
  • # productClassId:
  • createSemanticReferenceForProductClass(
  • semanticReference: SemanticReferenceInput,
  • productClassId: ID!
  • ): SemanticReferenceResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced semantic reference from the referenced product class
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # semanticReferenceId:
  • # productClassId:
  • removeSemanticReferenceFromProductClass(
  • semanticReferenceId: ID!,
  • productClassId: ID!
  • ): ProductClassResponse!
  • # -------Capability-----------
  • # Creates a new capability
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # capability:
  • # parentCapabilityIds:
  • # childCapabilityIds:
  • createCapability(
  • capability: CapabilityInput!,
  • parentCapabilityIds: [ID],
  • childCapabilityIds: [ID]
  • ): CapabilityResponse!
  • # Updates the capability identified by the passed id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # capabilityId:
  • # capability:
  • # parentCapabilityIds:
  • # childCapabilityIds:
  • updateCapability(
  • capabilityId: ID!,
  • capability: CapabilityInput!,
  • parentCapabilityIds: [ID],
  • childCapabilityIds: [ID]
  • ): CapabilityResponse
  • # Deletes the capability identified by the passed id, its properties and, if
  • # deleteChildren is true, the child capabilities. However, parent capabilities,
  • # processes, production resources and semantic references will not be deleted by
  • # this mutation.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # capabilityId:
  • # deleteChildren:
  • deleteCapability(capabilityId: ID!, deleteChildren: Boolean!): Response!
  • # Adds the referenced property to the referenced capability
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # propertyId:
  • # capabilityId:
  • addPropertyToCapability(
  • propertyId: ID!,
  • capabilityId: ID!
  • ): CapabilityResponse!
  • # Creates a new property and adds it to the referenced capability
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # property:
  • # capabilityId:
  • createPropertyForCapability(
  • property: PropertyInput!,
  • capabilityId: ID!
  • ): PropertyResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced property from the referenced capability
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # propertyId:
  • # capabilityId:
  • removePropertyFromCapability(
  • propertyId: ID!,
  • capabilityId: ID!
  • ): CapabilityResponse!
  • # Adds the referenced process to the referenced capability
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # processId:
  • # capabilityId:
  • addProcessToCapability(processId: ID!, capabilityId: ID!): CapabilityResponse!
  • # Creates a new process and adds it to the referenced capability
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # process:
  • # capabilityId:
  • createProcessForCapability(
  • process: ProcessInput!,
  • capabilityId: ID!
  • ): ProcessResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced process from the referenced capability
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # processId:
  • # capabilityId:
  • removeProcessFromCapability(
  • processId: ID!,
  • capabilityId: ID!
  • ): CapabilityResponse!
  • # Adds the referenced semantic reference to the referenced capability
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # semanticReferenceId:
  • # capabilityId:
  • addSemanticReferenceToCapability(
  • semanticReferenceId: ID!,
  • capabilityId: ID!
  • ): CapabilityResponse!
  • # Creates a new semantic reference and adds it to the referenced capability
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # semanticReference:
  • # capabilityId:
  • createSemanticReferenceForCapability(
  • semanticReference: SemanticReferenceInput,
  • capabilityId: ID!
  • ): SemanticReferenceResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced semantic reference from the referenced capability
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # semanticReferenceId:
  • # capabilityId:
  • removeSemanticReferenceFromCapability(
  • semanticReferenceId: ID!,
  • capabilityId: ID!
  • ): CapabilityResponse!
  • # Adds the referenced production recource to the referenced capability
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productionResourceId:
  • # capabilityId:
  • addProductionResourceToCapability(
  • productionResourceId: ID!,
  • capabilityId: ID!
  • ): CapabilityResponse!
  • # removes the referenced production resource from the referenced capability
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productionResourceId:
  • # capabilityId:
  • removeProductionResourceFromCapability(
  • productionResourceId: ID!,
  • capabilityId: ID!
  • ): CapabilityResponse!
  • # -------Process-----------
  • # Creates a new process
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # process:
  • # parentProcessIds:
  • # childProcessIds:
  • createProcess(
  • process: ProcessInput!,
  • parentProcessIds: [ID],
  • childProcessIds: [ID]
  • ): ProcessResponse!
  • # Updates the process identified by the passed id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # processId:
  • # process:
  • # parentProcessIds:
  • # childProcessIds:
  • updateProcess(
  • processId: ID!,
  • process: ProcessInput!,
  • parentProcessIds: [ID],
  • childProcessIds: [ID]
  • ): ProcessResponse!
  • # Deletes the process identified by the passed id, its properties, its product
  • # applications and, if deleteChildren is true, the child processes. However,
  • # capabilities, parent processes, products, production resources and semantic
  • # references will not be deleted by this mutation.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # processId:
  • # deleteChildren:
  • deleteProcess(processId: ID!, deleteChildren: Boolean!): Response!
  • # Adds a capability realized by the process
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # capabilityId:
  • # processId:
  • addRealizedCapabilityToProcess(
  • capabilityId: ID!,
  • processId: ID!
  • ): ProcessResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced capability from the list of capabilities the referenced
  • # process realizes
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # capabilityId:
  • # processId:
  • removeRealizedCapabilityFromProcess(
  • capabilityId: ID!,
  • processId: ID!
  • ): ProcessResponse!
  • # Adds a capability required by the process
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # capabilityId:
  • # processId:
  • addRequiredCapabilityToProcess(
  • capabilityId: ID!,
  • processId: ID!
  • ): ProcessResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced capability from the list of capabilities required by the
  • # referenced process
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # capabilityId:
  • # processId:
  • removeRequiredCapabilityFromProcess(
  • capabilityId: ID!,
  • processId: ID!
  • ): ProcessResponse!
  • # Adds a production resource used by the process
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productionResourceId:
  • # processId:
  • addProductionResourceToProcess(
  • productionResourceId: ID!,
  • processId: ID!
  • ): ProcessResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced production resource from the list of production resources
  • # used by the referenced process
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productionResourceId:
  • # processId:
  • removeProductionResourceFromProcess(
  • productionResourceId: ID!,
  • processId: ID!
  • ): ProcessResponse!
  • # Adds the referenced product as input product to the referenced process
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productId:
  • # type:
  • # processId:
  • addInputProductToProcess(
  • productId: ID!,
  • type: InputProductType,
  • processId: ID!
  • ): ProcessResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced input product from the referenced process
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productId:
  • # type:
  • # processId:
  • removeInputProductFromProcess(
  • productId: ID!,
  • type: InputProductType,
  • processId: ID!
  • ): ProcessResponse!
  • # Adds the referenced product as output product to the referenced process
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productId:
  • # type:
  • # processId:
  • addOutputProductToProcess(
  • productId: ID!,
  • type: OutputProductType,
  • processId: ID!
  • ): ProcessResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced output product from the referenced process
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productId:
  • # type:
  • # processId:
  • removeOutputProductFromProcess(
  • productId: ID!,
  • type: OutputProductType,
  • processId: ID!
  • ): ProcessResponse!
  • # Adds the referenced property to the referenced process
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # propertyId:
  • # processId:
  • addPropertyToProcess(propertyId: ID!, processId: ID!): ProcessResponse!
  • # Creates a new property and adds it to the referenced process
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # property:
  • # processId:
  • createPropertyForProcess(
  • property: PropertyInput!,
  • processId: ID!
  • ): PropertyResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced property from the referenced process
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # propertyId:
  • # processId:
  • removePropertyFromProcess(
  • propertyId: ID!,
  • processId: ID!
  • ): ProcessResponse!
  • # -------SemanticReference-----------
  • # Creates a new semantic reference
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # semanticReference:
  • createSemanticReference(
  • semanticReference: SemanticReferenceInput!
  • ): SemanticReferenceResponse
  • # Updates the semantic reference identified by the passed id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # semanticReferenceId:
  • # semanticReference:
  • updateSemanticReference(
  • semanticReferenceId: ID!,
  • semanticReference: SemanticReferenceInput!
  • ): SemanticReferenceResponse
  • # Deletes the semantic reference identified by the passed id.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # semanticReferenceId:
  • deleteSemanticReference(semanticReferenceId: ID!): Response
  • # -------ProductApplication-----------
  • # Creates a new product application
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productApplication:
  • createProductApplication(
  • productApplication: ProductApplicationInput!
  • ): ProductApplicationResponse!
  • # Updates the product application identified by the passed id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productApplicationId:
  • # productApplication:
  • updateProductApplication(
  • productApplicationId: ID!,
  • productApplication: ProductApplicationInput!
  • ): ProductApplicationResponse!
  • # Deletes the product application identified by the passed id and its properties.
  • # However, products and semantic references will not be deleted by this mutation.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # productApplicationId:
  • deleteProductApplication(productApplicationId: ID!): Response!
  • # Adds the referenced property to the referenced product application
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # propertyId:
  • # productApplicationId:
  • addPropertyToProductApplication(
  • propertyId: ID!,
  • productApplicationId: ID!
  • ): ProductApplicationResponse!
  • # Creates a new property and adds it to the referenced product application
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # property:
  • # productApplicationId:
  • createPropertyForProductApplication(
  • property: PropertyInput!,
  • productApplicationId: ID!
  • ): PropertyResponse!
  • # Removes the referenced property from the referenced product application
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # propertyId:
  • # productApplicationId:
  • removePropertyFromProductApplication(
  • propertyId: ID!,
  • productApplicationId: ID!
  • ): ProductApplicationResponse!
  • # -------Database-----------
  • deleteAll: Response!
  • }

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