
An enterprise or company which is a supplier in a supply chain, provider of production capabilities, etc.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Enterprise {
  • # Unique knowledge base identifier (automatically generated)
  • id: ID!
  • # Arbitrary id defined by the user, e.g. to identify the object in an application
  • sourceId: ID
  • # Label, e.g. name, of the enterprise.
  • label: String!
  • # Language code of the label following xml:lang
  • # (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt)
  • labelLanguageCode: String!
  • # Description of the enterprise
  • description: String
  • # Language code of the description following xml:lang
  • # (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt)
  • descriptionLanguageCode: String
  • # Location of the enterprise
  • location: Location
  • # Factories of the enterprise
  • factories: [Factory]
  • # Subsidiary enterprises of the enterprise
  • subsidiaryEnterprises: [Enterprise]
  • # Arbitrary properties of the enterprise
  • properties: [Property]
  • # Products assigned directly to the enterprise or to a factory of the enterprise
  • # or as an output product of a process of the enterprise
  • products: [Product]
  • # Processes assigned to a factory of the enterprise or as a realization of a
  • # capability provided by a
  • # production resource of this enterprise
  • processes: [Process]
  • # Production resources assigned to a factory of the enterprise
  • # production resource of this enterprise
  • productionResources: [ProductionResource]
  • # The supply chains of the enterprise's products
  • supplyChains: [SupplyChain]
  • # Certificates of the enterprise
  • certificates: [Property]
  • # Logo of the enterprise
  • logo: String
  • }