
Fields of a process which can be passed to mutations.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input ProcessInput {
  • # Unique knowledge base identifier (automatically generated)
  • id: ID
  • # Arbitrary id defined by the user, e.g. to identify the object in an application.
  • sourceId: ID
  • # Description of the process.
  • description: String
  • # Language code of the description following xml:lang
  • # (
  • descriptionLanguageCode: String
  • # Arbitrary properties of the process.
  • properties: [PropertyInput]
  • # Process using the process as sub process.
  • parentProcesses: [ProcessInput]
  • # Sub process of the process.
  • childProcesses: [ProcessInput]
  • # Capabilities realized by the process.
  • realizedCapabilities: [CapabilityInput]
  • # Capabilities required by the process.
  • requiredCapabilities: [CapabilityInput]
  • # Preliminary products as input products of the process. This shows all product
  • # applications added to the process using type PRELIMINARY_PRODUCT.
  • preliminaryProducts: [ProductApplicationInput]
  • # Raw materials as input products of the process. This shows all product
  • # applications added to the process using type RAW_MATERIAL.
  • rawMaterials: [ProductApplicationInput]
  • # Auxiliary materials as input products of the process. This shows all product
  • # applications added to the process using type AUXILIARY_MATERIAL.
  • auxiliaryMaterials: [ProductApplicationInput]
  • # Operating materials as input products of the process. This shows all product
  • # applications added to the process using type OPERATING_MATERIAL.
  • operatingMaterials: [ProductApplicationInput]
  • # End products as output products of the process. This shows all product
  • # applications added to the process using type END_PRODUCT.
  • endProducts: [ProductApplicationInput]
  • # By products as output products of the process. This shows all product
  • # applications added to the process using type BY_PRODUCT.
  • byProducts: [ProductApplicationInput]
  • # Waste as output products of the process. This shows all product applications
  • # added to the process using type WASTE_PRODUCT.
  • wasteProducts: [ProductApplicationInput]
  • # Input products of the process. This shows all product applications added to the
  • # process using any InputProductType.
  • inputProducts: [ProductApplicationInput]
  • # Output products of the process. This shows all product applications added to the
  • # process using any OutputProductType.
  • outputProducts: [ProductApplicationInput]
  • # Machine used during the conduction of the process.
  • usedMachines: [MachineInput]
  • # Production resource used during the conduction of the process.
  • usedHumanResources: [HumanResourceInput]
  • # Machine completely covering the process (no other production resource needed to
  • # conduct the process).
  • providingMachines: [MachineInput]
  • # Human resource completely covering the process (no other production resource
  • # needed to conduct the process).
  • providingHumanResources: [HumanResourceInput]
  • }